Build and publish AsciiDoc with Docker and nginx
One of the teams at work is piloting the usage of AsciiDoc for documentation of their product. AsciiDoc is a markup-format just like Gruber's Markdown, but »
One of the teams at work is piloting the usage of AsciiDoc for documentation of their product. AsciiDoc is a markup-format just like Gruber's Markdown, but »
Since we mainly write .NET code at work, the only real choice for packing dependencies and applications is NuGet and Chocolatey, everything stored in different feeds »
A mayor issue you might have run into when working on Docker-images is actual disk space. Over time, images and containers can consume a great deal »
A couple of days ago ex-GitHub employee and brilliant tech-speaker Zach Holman tweeted the following: There are a lot of ways to become a bad manager, »
By now everybody loves Docker. I mean, what is there not to love? Never have it been easier to program, pack and deploy you're applications and »
If you use a system with a strickt package repository (like Debian stable, CentOS, RedHat etc.) chances are new releases of Docker won't be pushed right »
I can guarantee this will happen to you at some point: You find out that you need to add some more feilds in a Solr schema »
The situation At work we use Apache Solr from our application server to index and offer search in documents. A LOT of documents. The largest customer »
During my last year of University College, I rediscovered my childhood joy of reading. At the time I was working on my bachelor’s degree (an »
On a resent project at work we build a cross-platform chat-application with Xamarin and SignalR. The SignalR-hub was to find it's home on a Linux-server, given »